A Simple Place to Grow

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Knowing God: The Names of God

God is so BIG...so HUGE. His character so perfect and multifaceted. I am fascinated by the way that God has more than one name in the original languages of the Bible. He is our Provider, All sufficient one, Everlasting God, Sovereign One, Lord Most High, Husband, Shepherd, Maker, the Living God... and so much more. Do you want to know Him more? There are many studies you can tap into for this.... Here are some to start you: One by Kay Arthur "Lord I want to Know You" or if you like the devotion in your email ... here is one on Crosswalk ..."Praying the Names of God". Understand and know Him... He wants you to understand the depths of His love for you.


Another Devotion for Kids: Jesus Wants All of Me

Here is another great devotional for kids! It has a simple idea for each day of the year based on "My Utmost for His Highest". I am thinking it would be a great one for breakfast time!
(Phil A. Smouse/ Oswald Chambers)